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élu au CA de Sorbonne Université
élu au Conseil de la FSI
ex-Représentant du personnel au CHSCT, ex-Membre de la commission des libertés syndicales
ex élu à l'UFR de Physique de l'UPMC,
ex élu à la commission recherche de l'UPMC, ex-élu au CA de l'UPMC
Algebraic statistical mechanics
Ising model, susceptibility of the Ising model, Yang-Baxter equations, Integrability, lattice statistical mechanics, enumerative combinatorics, birational transformations, dynamical zeta functions, topological entropy, Diagonals of rational functions, modular forms, modular equations, hypergeometric functions, orthogonal or symplectic differential Galois groups, series with integer coefficients, globally bounded series, differential equations Derived From Geometry, globally nilpotent operators, Calabi-Yau operators, Orphan Calabi-Yau operators, Hilbert modular form.
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Si vous souhaitez obtenir certaines de ces images en haute qualité, contactez-moi par courriel à l'une des adresses suivantes
Mes exposés (pris au hasard ..)
- Diagonal of Rational Functions par Christoph Koutschan - 2020
- Ising correlation C(M,N) for nu = -k par Barry Mc Coy - 2020
- Counting lattice walks by winding angle using Jacobi Theta functions par Andrew Elwey Price
- Palm Cove dans le Queensland Australien pour les 75 ans de Rodney Baxter 2015
- Newcastle en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud Australienne pour les 70 ans d'Anthony Guttmann 2015
- AERES de 2013
Quelques exposés de mes co-auteurs
- Pushing forward the dimension of fcc lattices 2015
- Experimental mathematics on the magnetic susceptibility of the square lattice Ising model 2008
- Computer Algebra for Lattice Path Combinatorics 2017
- Counting planar Eulerian orientations 2017
- An Analysis of OEIS Generating Functions 2017
- Michael Assis: Atomic Origami
- Plea for diagonals and telescopers of rational functions; S. Hassani J.M. Maillard N. Zenine [MDPI]
- The lambda extension of the Ising correlation functions C(M,N) par S. Boukraa et J-M. Maillard [arXiv:2209.07434v2]
- Symmetries of non-linear ODES: the lambda extension of the Ising correlations par S. Boukraa et J-M. Maillard [MDPI]
Factorization of Ising correlations C(M, N ) for ν = −k and M + N odd, M ≤ N , T < Tc and their lambda extensions [arXiv]
- The Ising correlation C(M, N) for ν = −k
- Diagonal of rational functions: from differential algebra to algebraic geometry (MDPI)
- Stieltjes moment sequences for pattern avoiding permutations 2020
- Heun functions and diagonal of rational functions (unabridged version)
- Heun functions and diagonal of rational functions
- Diagonal of rational functions: from differential algebra to algebraic geometry (unabridged version)
- Diagonal of rational functions: from differential algebra to algebraic geometry
- On Christol's conjecture
- Diagonals of rational functions, pullbacked 2F1 hypergeometric functions and modular forms 2018
- Diagonals of rational functions, pullbacked 2F1 hypergeometric functions and modular forms (unabrigded version) 2018
- Modular forms, Schwarzian conditions, and symmetries of differential equations in physics 2017
- Schwarzian conditions for linear differential operators with selected differential Galois groups 2017
- Schwarzian conditions for linear differential operators with selected differential Galois groups (unabridged version) 2017
- Analyticity of the Ising susceptibility an Interpretation 2017
- Selected non-holonomic functions in lattice statistical mechanics and enumerative combinatorics 2016
- The perimeter generating functions of threechoice, imperfect, and one-punctured staircase polygons 2016
- Lattice Green functions: the d-dimensional face-centered cubic lattice, d = 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 2016
- The anisotropic Ising correlations as elliptic integrals: duality and differential equations 2016
- Is the full susceptibility of the square-lattice Ising model a differentially algebraic function? 2016
- Automata and the susceptibility of the sqaure lattice Ising model modulo powers of primes 2015
- Lattice Green functions: the seven-dimensional face-centred cubic lattice 2015
- Diagonals of rational functions and selected differential Galois groups 2015
- Ising model susceptibility: Fuchsian differential equation for χ(4) and its factorization properties 2015
- Scaling functions in the square ising model 2015
- Differential algebra on lattice Green functions and Calabi–Yau operators 2014
- Canonical decomposition of irreducible linear differential operators with symplectic or orthogonal differential Galois groups 2014
- The Ising model and special geometries 2014
- Integrability versus non-integrability: hard hexagons and hard squares compared 2014
- Hard hexagon partition function for complex fugacity 2013
- Ising n-fold integrals as diagonals of rational functions and integrality of series expansions 2013
- Differential algebra on lattice Green functions and Calabi-Yau operators (unabridged version) 2013
- Diagonal Ising susceptibility: elliptic integrals, modular forms and Calabi–Yau equations 2012
- Holonomic functions of several complex variables and singularities of anisotropic Ising n-fold integrals 2012
- Ising n-fold integrals as diagonals of rational functions and integrality of series expansions: integrality versus modularity 2012
- The Importance of the Ising Model 2012
- Diagonal Ising susceptibility: elliptic integrals, modular forms and Calabi–Yau equations 2011
- The Ising model: from elliptic curves to modular forms and Calabi-Yau equations 2011
- Factorization of the Ising model form factors 2011
- High-order Fuchsian equations for the square lattice Ising model: χ(6) 2010
- Square lattice Ising model chi(5) ODE in exact arithmetic 2010
- Renormalization, isogenies and rational symmetries of differential equations 2010
- High-order Fuchsian equations for the square lattice Ising model: chi(6) 2010
- The Saga of the Ising susceptibility 2010
- Rational Symmetries of Differential Equations and Renormalization 2010
- High order Fuchsian equations for the square lattice Ising model: ˜χ(5) 2009
- Globally nilpotent differential operators and the square Ising model 2009
- Birational mappings and matrix subalgebra from the chiral Potts model 2009
- Experimental mathematics on the magnetic susceptibility of the square lattice Ising model 2008
- Degree Complexity of a Family of Birational Maps 2008
- Singularities of n-fold integrals of the Ising class and the theory of elliptic curves 2007
- Fuchs versus Painlevé 2007
- Holonomy of the Ising model form factors 2007
- The diagonal Ising susceptibility 2007
- Landau singularities and singularities of holonomic integrals of the Ising class 2007
- Degree Complexity of a Family of Birational Maps 2007
- Painlev´e versus Fuchs 2006
- Holonomy of the Ising model form factors 2006
- Beyond series expansions : mathematical structures for the susceptibility of the square lattice Ising model 2006
- On the complexity of some birational transformations 2005
- Square lattice Ising model susceptibility: connection matrices and singular behaviour of chi(3) and chi(4) 2005
- Differential Galois groups of high order Fuchsian ODE's 2005
- Ising model susceptibility: Fuchsian differential equation for chi(4) and its factorization properties 2005
- Square lattice Ising model susceptibility: series expansion method and differential equation for chi(3) 2005
- The Fuchsian differential equation of the square lattice Ising model χ(3) susceptibility 2004
- Representation Theory of Twisted Group Double 2004
- Symmetry, complexity and multicritical point of the two-dimensional spin glass 2003
- Deformations of Dynaics associated to the Chiral Potts model 2003
- Random matrix theory in lattice statistical mechanics 2003
- A Classification of the four-state spin edge Potts models 2002
- Random Matrix Theory analysis for higher genus integrability : the quantum chiral Potts model 2002
- Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble for level spacing statistics of the quantum four-state chiral Potts model 2002
- Polynomial growth for birational mappings from four-state spin edge models. 2002
- Noetherian mappings 2002
- A Challenge in Enumerative Combinatorics: The Graph of Contributions of Professor Fa-Yueh Wu 2002
- Modular invariance in lattice statistical mechanics 2001
- Random matrix theory and higher genus integrability: the quantum chiral Potts model 2001
- Real topological entropy versus metric entropy for birational measure-preserving transformations 2000
- Let’s Baxterise 2000
- Real Arnold complexity versus real topological entropy for birational transformations 2000
- Growth complexity spectrum of some discrete dynamical systems 1999
- Rational dynamical zeta functions for birational transformations 1999
- Functional Relations in Lattice Statistical Mechanics, Enumerative Combinaqtorics, and Discrete Dynamical Systems 1999
- Rational dynamical zeta functions for birational transformations 1998
- Elliptic curves from finite order recursions or non-involutive permutations for discrete systems and lattice statistical mechanics 1998
- Classical limit for a 3D lattice spin model 1997
- Hyperbolic Coxeter Groups, Symmetry Group Invariants for Lattice Models in Statistical Mechanics, and the Tutte-Beraha Numbers 1997
- Random matrix theory and classical statistical mechanics: vertex models 1997
- New integrable cases of a Cremona transformation: a finite-order orbits analysis 1997
- More integrable birational mappings 1997
- Three-dimensional integrable models based on modified tetrahedron equations and quantum dilogarithm 1997
- Directed Compact Lattice Animals, Restricted Partitions of an Integer, and the Infinite-State Potts Model 1996
- A comment on free-fermion conditions for lattice models in two and more dimensions 1996
- Factorization properties of birational mappings 1995
- Tricritical behavior of the three-state triangular Potts model 1995
- Phase diagram of a six-state chiral Potts model 1994
- Inversion relations and symmetry groups for Potts models on the triangular lattice 1994
- Integrable mappings and polynomial growth 1994
- Zeroes of the triangular Potts model partition function: a conjectured distribution 1994
- From integrability to weak chaos 1994
- Hyperbolic Coxeter groups for triangular Potts models 1994
- Integrable mappings from matrix transformations and their singularity properties 1994
- Phase diagram of a six-state chiral Potts model 1994
- Almost Integrable Mappings 1993
- Determinantal Identities on Inntegrable Mappings 1993
- Two numerical investigations of the three-state chiral Potts model 1993
- Symmetries of lattice models in statistical mechanics and effective algebraic geometry 1993
- Towards three-dimensional Bethe ansatz 1993
- An exact critical frontier for the Potts model on the 3-12 lattice 1993
- Quasi integrability of the sixteen-vertex model 1992
- From Yang-Baxter equations to dynamical zeta functions for birational transformations 1992
- Infinite discrete symmetry group for the Yang—Baxter equations: spin models 1991
- Infinite discrete symmetry group for the Yang-Baxter equations. Vertex models 1991
- Integrable Coxeter groups 1991
- Rational Mappings, Arborescent Iterations, and the Symmetries of Integrability - 1991
- The Adler-van Moerbeke model. Lax representation and Poisson structure 1990.
- R-matrices and symmetric spaces 1990
- New local relations for lattice models 1990
- Algebraic varieties for the Chiral potts model 1990
- Comments on the phase diagram of the three and four-state chiral Potts model 1989
- On the phase diagram of the chiral Potts model 1989
- Series analysis of the q-state checkerboard Potts model 1988
- Dimensional reduction and correlation functions on 3D lattice models 1987
- Analytical Properties on the Anisotropic Cubic Ising Model 1987
- The replica momenta of a spin-glass and the phase diagram of n-colour Ashkin-Teller models 1987
- Staggered lattice models 1987
- Automorphisms of algebraic varieties and Yang–Baxter equations 1986
- Zeros of the partition function for the triangular lattice three-state Potts model 1986
- The vicinity of disorder varieties: a systematic expansion 1986
- Rigorous bounds and the replica method for products of random matrices 1986
- An alpha = 1/2 singularity in the vicinity of the disorder variety and its random walk interpretation 1986
- New exact results for the Potts model 1985
- Algebraic properties and symmetries of the symmetric Ashkin-Tellet model 1985
- S4-symmetry on the checkerboard Potts model 1985
- Susceptibility of the checkerboard Ising model 1985
- Disorder solutions for a cubic Ising model 1985
- Disorder solutions for Ising and Potts models with a field 1985
- Necessary versus sufficient conditions for exact solubility of statistical models on lattices 1985
- A criterion for disorder solutions of spin models 1985
- The inversion relation (I) 1985
- The inversion relation (II) 1985
- Inversion relations and disorder solutions on Potts models 1984
- Towards an exhaustive classification of the star-triangle relation II 1984
- Towards an exhaustive classification of the star-trinagle relation I 1984
- q-state Potts model on the checkerboard lattice 1983
- Large q expansion on the anisotropic Potts model 1983
- Inverse functional relations for lattice models 1983
- Algebraic Invariants in soluble models 1983
- Study of a two-dimensional fully frustrated model 1983
- Large q expansion for the anisotropic Potts model 1982
- Inverse functional relation on the Potts model 1982
- Symmetry relations in exactly soluble models 1981
- Ground-state correlations in the two-dimensional Ising frustration model 1979
- Interface entropy and phase transitions in frustrated Ising systems 1978
- Spin glasses and roughening transition 1977
Computer Algebra for Functional Equations in Combinatorics and Physics que je coorganiseComputer Algebra for Functional Equations in Combinatorics and Physics que je coorganise avec A. Bostan, J. Bouttier, T. Cluzeau, L. Di Vizio, C. Krattenthaler, P. Lairez, J.-M. Maillard du December 4 to 8, 2023 à l'IHP
Special week
- Bostan 2008
- McCoy.pdf
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Pour moi sur ResearchGate c'est : 182 Research items 3221 Reads 1849 Citations RG Score 36.65 h-index 24
The Ising correlation C(M, N) for ν = −k