Maître de conférences
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique de la Matière Condensée (LPTMC)
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Tour 12/13 - 5ème étage, bureau 508, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
Phone: (+33) 1 44 27 72 40 Fax: (+33) 1 44 27 51 00
Research interests: Statistical physics of complex and disordered systems; Glass transition; Spin glasses; Anderson localization and random matrices; Frustrated magnetism; Quantum strongly correlated systems; Combinatorial oprimization problems in statistical physics and information theory; Soft matter; Statistical mechanics approach to granular materials; Agent based models for economic instabilities and crises.
Short Bio:
PhD in Physics at the University of Naples (Italy) under the supervision of A. Coniglio (2002-2005)
Post-doc at the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, UK (2006)
Post-doc at the Laboratoire de Physique Theorique et Modeles Statistiques, Universite Paris Sud, France (2007)
Post-doc at the Institut de Physique Theorique, CEA/Saclay, France (2008)
Maitre de Conferences at the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France (2008-present)
Habilitation à diriger des recherche (19/10/2017)
My Cv
My Google Scholar profile
My articles on the arXiv: cond-mat and q-fin
My research activity is focused on complex and disordered classical and quantum systems.
In the following I present a brief summary of my work during the last few years on four specific topics.
Glass transition in molecular liquids: RG approach and Ising-like effective theories
There remains a wide divergence of views concerning the appropriate theoretical framework for understanding the nature of the glass transition. In the ongoing search, the Random First-Order Transition (RFOT) theory has proven to be a strong candidate, establishing what appears to be an intricate mean-field (MF) description of supercooled liquids and glasses. This MF treatment predicts a scenario with two critical temperatures T_A and T_K, the upper one T_A being a dynamical singularity and the lower one T_K a thermodynamic ideal glass transition characterized by a vanishing of the configurational entropy (i.e., the logarithm of the number of metastable states). To make progress toward a theory of the glass transition, one must, however, go beyond the MF description and include the effect of fluctuations in finite-dimensional systems with finite-range interactions.
- Renormalization group analysis of the Random First Order Transition, C. Cammarota, G. Biroli, M. Tarzia, G. Tarjus, Phys. Rev. Lett 106, 115705 (2011)
- Nonlinear dielectric susceptibilities: Accurate determination of the growing correlation volume in supercooled liquids, C. Brun, F. Ladieu, D. L'Hôte, M. Tarzia, G. Biroli, J.-P. Bouchaud, Phys. Rev. B 84, 104204 (2011)
- Fragility of the mean-field scenario of structural glasses for finite-dimensional disordered spin models, C. Cammarota, G. Biroli, M. Tarzia, G. Tarjus, Phys. Rev. B 87, 064202 (2013)
- Random-field-like criticality in glass-forming liquids, G. Biroli, C. Cammarota, G. Tarjus, M. Tarzia, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 175701 (2014)
- Nonperturbative fluctuations and metastability in a simple model: from observables to microscopic theory and back, C. Rulquin, P. Urbani, G. Tarjus, M. Tarzia, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (JSTAT), 023209 (2016)
- Role of fluctuations in the phase transitions of coupled plaquette spin models of glasses, G. Biroli, C. Rulquin, G. Tarjus, M. Tarzia, SciPost Phys. 1, 7 (2016)
Static properties of 2D spin-ice as a sixteen-vertex model
Many interesting classes of classical and quantum magnetic systems are highly constrained. In particular, geometric constraints lead to frustration and the impossibility of satisfying all competing interactions simultaneously, giving rise to the existence of highly degenerate ground states. In conventional spin-ice, topological frustration arises from the fact that the Ising axes in the unit cell are fixed and different, forced to point towards the centers of neighboring tetrahedra. The configurations that minimize the energy of each tetrahedron are the six states (or vertices) with two-in and two-out pointing spins. Recently, the interest in spin-ice physics has been boosted by the advent of artificial samples on simpler square lattices.
- Static properties of 2D spin-ice as a sixteen-vertex model, L. Foini, D. Levis, M. Tarzia, L. Cugliandolo, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (JSTAT), P02026 (2013)
- Thermal phase transitions in artificial Spin-Ice, D. Levis, L. Cugliandolo, L. Foini, M. Tarzia, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 207206 (2013)
- Field-Tuned Order by Disorder in Ising Frustrated Magnets with Antiferromagnetic Interactions, P. C. Guruciaga, M. Tarzia, M. V. Ferreyra, L. F. Cugliandolo, S. A. Grigera, R. A. Borzi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 167203 (2016)
Anderson localization and Random Matrices
Beyond a critical amount of disorder, the electrons are trapped and their diffusive motion comes to a complete halt. This phenomenon, for which P. Anderson won the Nobel prize in 1977, still reveals new facets and subtleties. On the one hand, it plays a central role in many areas of science, such as transport in disordered quantum systems (Many Body Localization), random matrices, and Quantum chaos. On the other hand, despite almost 60 years of research, the study of AL remains an active field with various unsolved problems.
In particular the localization transition between the metallic and the insulating phase in the limit of large dimension is not yet completely understood.
- Anderson model on Bethe lattice: density of states, localization properties and isolated eigenvalue, G. Biroli, G. Semerjian, M. Tarzia, Prog. Theor. Phys. 184, 187 (2010)
- Difference between level statistics, ergodicity, and localization transitions on the Bethe lattice, A. C. Ribeiro Teixeira, M. Tarzia, arXiv:1211.7334
- Level Statistics and Localization Transitions of Levy Matrices, E. Tarquini, G. Biroli, M. Tarzia, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 010601 (2016)
- Critical properties of the Anderson localization transition and the high-dimensional limit, E Tarquini, G Biroli, M Tarzia, Physical Review B 95, 094204 (2017)
- Delocalized glassy dynamics and many-body localization, G. Biroli, M. Tarzia, Physical Review B 96, 201114 (2017)
Statistical physics approach to micro and macroeconomy. Agent based models for economic instabilities and crises
Inferring the behaviour of large assemblies from the behaviour of its elementary constituents is arguably one of the most important problems in a host of different disciplines:
physics, material sciences, biology, computer sciences, sociology and, of course, economics. It is also a notoriously hard problem. Statistical physics has developed in the last 150 years essentially to understand this micro-macro link. In the framework of the European project CRISIS (, we have explored the possible types of phenomena that simple macroeconomic Agent-Based models (ABM) can reproduce, proposed a methodology, inspired by statistical physics, which offers a key tool to characterize a model: its phase diagram in the space of parameters, which allows one to unveil the skeleton of the ABM.
- Tipping Points in Macroeconomic Agent-Based Models, S. Gualdi, M. Tarzia, F. Zamponi, J.-P. Bouchaud, J. Econ. Dyn. Control 50, 29 (2015)
- Endogenous Crisis Waves: Stochastic Model with Synchronized Collective Behavior, S. Gualdi, J.-P. Bouchaud, G. Cencetti, M. Tarzia, F. Zamponi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 088701 (2015)
- Spontaneous instabilities and stick-slip motion in a generalized Hebraud-Lequeux model, J.-P. Bouchaud, S. Gualdi, M. Tarzia, F. Zamponi, Soft matter 12, 1230 (2016)
- Monetary Policy and Dark Corners in a stylized Agent-Based Model, S. Gualdi, M. Tarzia, F. Zamponi, J.-P. Bouchaud, J. Econ. Interact. Coord. 12, 507 (2017)
- Optimal inflation target: insights from an agent-based model, J.-P. Bouchaud, S. Gualdi, M. Tarzia, F. Zamponi, Accepted for publication in Economics, arXiv:1709.05117
39. Optimal inflation target: insights from an agent-based model
J.-P. Bouchaud, S. Gualdi, M. Tarzia, F. Zamponi
Accepted for publication in Economics, arXiv:1709.05117
38. Delocalized glassy dynamics and many-body localization
G. Biroli, M. Tarzia
Physical Review B 96, 201114 (2017)
37. Critical properties of the Anderson localization transition and the high-dimensional limit
E Tarquini, G Biroli, M Tarzia
Physical Review B 95, 094204 (2017)
36. Monetary Policy and Dark Corners in a stylized Agent-Based Model
S. Gualdi, M. Tarzia, F. Zamponi, J.-P. Bouchaud
J. Econ. Interact. Coord. 12, 507 (2017)
35. Field-Tuned Order by Disorder in Ising Frustrated Magnets with Antiferromagnetic Interactions
P. C. Guruciaga, M. Tarzia, M. V. Ferreyra, L. F. Cugliandolo, S. A. Grigera, R. A. Borzi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 167203 (2016)
34. Role of fluctuations in the phase transitions of coupled plaquette spin models of glasses
G. Biroli, C. Rulquin, G. Tarjus, M. Tarzia
SciPost Phys. 1, 7 (2016)
33. Nonperturbative fluctuations and metastability in a simple model: from observables to microscopic theory and back
C. Rulquin, P. Urbani, G. Tarjus, M. Tarzia
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (JSTAT), 023209 (2016)
32. Spontaneous instabilities and stick-slip motion in a generalized Hebraud-Lequeux model
J.-P. Bouchaud, S. Gualdi, M. Tarzia, F. Zamponi
Soft matter 12, 1230 (2016)
31. Level Statistics and Localization Transitions of Levy Matrices
E. Tarquini, G. Biroli, M. Tarzia
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 010601 (2016)
30. Endogenous Crisis Waves: Stochastic Model with Synchronized Collective Behavior
S. Gualdi, J.-P. Bouchaud, G. Cencetti, M. Tarzia, F. Zamponi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 088701 (2015)
29. Tipping Points in Macroeconomic Agent-Based Models
S. Gualdi, M. Tarzia, F. Zamponi, J.-P. Bouchaud
J. Econ. Dyn. Control 50, 29 (2015)
28. Random-field-like criticality in glass-forming liquids
G. Biroli, C. Cammarota, G. Tarjus, M. Tarzia
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 175701 (2014)
27. Thermal phase transitions in artificial Spin-Ice
D. Levis, L. Cugliandolo, L. Foini, M. Tarzia
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 207206 (2013)
26. Fragility of the mean-field scenario of structural glasses for finite-dimensional disordered spin models
C. Cammarota, G. Biroli, M. Tarzia, G. Tarjus
Phys. Rev. B 87, 064202 (2013)
25. Static properties of 2D spin-ice as a sixteen-vertex model
L. Foini, D. Levis, M. Tarzia, L. Cugliandolo
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (JSTAT), P02026 (2013)
24. Nonlinear dielectric susceptibilities: Accurate determination of the growing correlation volume in supercooled liquids
C. Brun, F. Ladieu, D. L'Hôte, M. Tarzia, G. Biroli, J.-P. Bouchaud
Phys. Rev. B 84, 104204 (2011)
23. Renormalization group analysis of the Random First Order Transition
C. Cammarota, G. Biroli, M. Tarzia, G. Tarjus
Phys. Rev. Lett 106, 115705 (2011)
22. On the solution of a 'solvable' model for an ideal glass of hard spheres displaying a jamming transition
M. Mézard, G. Parisi, M. Tarzia, F. Zamponi
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (JSTAT), P03002 (2011)
21. Anomalous nonlinear response of glassy liquids: General argument and a mode-coupling approach
M. Tarzia, G. Biroli, A. Lefèvre, J.-P. Bouchaud
J. Chem. Phys. 132, 054501 (2010)
20. Anderson model on Bethe lattice: density of states, localization properties and isolated eigenvalue
G. Biroli, G. Semerjian, M. Tarzia
Prog. Theor. Phys. 184, 187 (2010)
19. Bose-Einstein condensation in quantum glasses
G. Carleo, M. Tarzia, F. Zamponi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 215302 (2009)
18. Exact solution of the Bose-Hubbard model on the Bethe lattice
G. Semerjian, M. Tarzia, F. Zamponi
Phys. Rev. B 80, 014524 (2009)
17. Lattice models for colloidal gels and glasses
F. Krzakala, M. Tarzia, L. Zdeborovà
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 165702 (2008)
16. The valence bond glass phase
M. Tarzia, B. Biroli
Europhys. Lett. 82, 67008 (2008)
15. Group testing with random pools: phase transitions and optimal strategy
M. Mézard, M. Tarzia, C. Toninelli
J. Stat. Phys. 131, 783 (2008)
14. Statistical mechanics of the hitting set problem
M. Mézard, M. Tarzia
Phys. Rev. E 76, 041124 (2007)
13. Glass phenomenology from the connection to spin glasses
M. Tarzia, M. A. Moore
Phys. Rev. E 75, 031502 (2007)
12. On the absence of the glass transition in two dimensional hard disks
M. Tarzia
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (JSTAT), P01010 (2007)
11. Lamellar order, microphase structures, and glassy phase in a field theoretic model for charged colloids
M. Tarzia, A. Coniglio
Phys. Rev. E 75, 011410 (2007)
10. Columnar and lamellar phases in attractive colloidal systems
A. de Candia, E. Del Gado, A. Fierro, N. Sator, M. Tarzia, A. Coniglio
Phys. Rev. E Rapid Comm. 74, 010403 (2006)
9. Pattern formation and glassy phase in the phi4 theory with screened electrostatic repulsion
M. Tarzia, A. Coniglio
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 075702 (2006)
8. Granular segregation under vertical tapping
M. Pica Ciamarra, M. D. De Vizia, A. Fierro, M. Tarzia, M. Nicodemi, A. Coniglio
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 058001 (2006)
7. Size segregation in granular media induced by phase transition
M. Tarzia, A. Fierro, M. Nicodemi, M. Pica Ciamarra, A. Coniglio
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 078001 (2005)
6. Statistical mechanics of dense granular media
A. Coniglio, A. Fierro, M. Nicodemi, M. Pica Ciamarra, M. Tarzia
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17, S2557 (2005)
5. Jamming transition in granular media: A mean field approximation and numerical simulations
A. Fierro, M. Nicodemi, M. Tarzia, A. de Candia, A.Coniglio
Phys. Rev. E 71, 061305 (2005)
4. Segregation in fluidized versus tapped packs
M. Tarzia, A. Fierro, M. Nicodemi, A. Coniglio
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 198002 (2004)
3. Glass transition in granular media
M. Tarzia, A. de Candia, A. Fierro, M. Nicodemi, A. Coniglio
Europhys. Lett. 66, 531 (2004)
2. A monodisperse model suitable to study the glass transition
M. Pica Ciamarra, M. Tarzia, A. de Candia, A. Coniglio
Phys. Rev. E 68, 066111 (2003)
1. A lattice glass model with no tendency to crystallize
M. Pica Ciamarra, M. Tarzia, A. de Candia, A. Coniglio
Phys. Rev. E 67, 057105 (2003)
Conference proceedings
6. Statistical physics of group testing
M. Mézard, M. Tarzia, C. Toninelli
International Workshop on Statistical-Mechanical Informatics
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 95, 012019 (2008)
5. Statistical mechanics of dense granular media
M. Pica Ciamarra, A. De Candia, M. Tarzia, A. Coniglio, M. Nicodemi
Advances in Complex Systems 8, 217 (2007)
4. Modulated phases and slow dynamics in attractive colloids
A. Coniglio, M. Tarzia, A. de Candia, E. Del Gado, A. Fierro, N. Sator
Internation Symposium on Nonlinearity, Nonequilibrium and Complexity - Questions and Perspectives in Statistical Physics
Physica A 372, 298 (2006)
3. Jamming in dense granular media
A. Coniglio, A. Fierro, A. de Candia, M. Nicodemi, M. Tarzia, M. Pica Ciamarra
19th Sitges Conference on Jamming, Yielding, and Irreversible Deformation in Condensed Matter
Lecture Notes in Physics 688, 53 (2006)
2. Statistical mechanics approach to the jamming transition in granular materials
A. Coniglio, A. de Candia, A. Fierro, M. Nicodemi, M. Tarzia
International Workshop on Trends and Perspectives in Extensive and Non-Extensive Statistical Mechanics
Physica A 344, 431 (2004)
1. On Edwards' theory of powders
A. Coniglio, A. de Candia, A. Fierro, M. Nicodemi, M. Pica Ciamarra, M. Tarzia
Conference on New Materials and Complexity
Physica A 339, 1 (2004)
Books' chapters
7. Nonlinear Susceptibility Experiments in a Supercooled Liquid: Evidence of Growing Spatial Correlations Close to T_g
C. Brun, D. L'Hôte, F. Ladieu , C. Crauste-Thibierge, G. Biroli, J-.P. Bouchaud, M. Tarzia
Recent Advances in Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (2012)
6. Statistical mechanics of dense granular media
M. Nicodemi, A. Coniglio, A. de Candia, A. Fierro, M. Pica Ciamarra, M. Tarzia
Proceedings of the society of photo-optical instrumentation engeneers, Conference on Complex Systems (2005)
5. Mean field theory of dense granular media
A. Coniglio, A. Fierro, M. Nicodemi, M. Pica Ciamarra, M. Tarzia
Proceedings of the International Conference on Powders & Grains (2005)
4. Unifying approach to the jamming transition in granular media and the glass transition in thermal systems
A. Coniglio, A. de Candia, A. Fierro, M. Nicodemi, M. Pica Ciamarra, M. Tarzia
Proceedings of Complexity, Metastability, and Nonextensivity, 31st Workshop of the International School of Solid State Physics (2004)
3. Statistical Mechanics of granular media and glassy systems
A. Coniglio, A. de Candia, A. Fierro, M. Nicodemi, M. Pica Ciamarra, M. Tarzia
Proceedings of the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi on the Physics of Complex Systems - New Advances and Perspectives (2003)
2. Numerical and mean-field study of a lattice glass model
M. Tarzia, M. Pica Ciamarra, A. de Candia, A. Coniglio
Proceedings of the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi on the Physics of Complex Systems - New Advances and Perspectives (2003)
1. Statistical Mechanics of jamming and segregation in granular media
M. Nicodemi, A. Coniglio, A. de Candia, A. Fierro, M. Pica Ciamarra, M. Tarzia
Proceedings of the Workshop on Unifying Concepts in Granular Media and Glasses (2003), arXiv:0401602
Unpublished preprints
2. Comment on "Phase transitions for quenched coupled replicas in a plaquette spin model of glasses"
G. Biroli, G. Tarjus, M. Tarzia, arXiv:1606.08268
1. Difference between level statistics, ergodicity, and localization transitions on the Bethe lattice
A. C. Ribeiro Teixeira, M. Tarzia, arXiv:1211.7334
Some recent talks
First steps towards a non-perturbative RG approach for spin glasses in finite dimensions [pdf]
Beyond Mean Field Theory: Renormalisation Group and Non Perturbative approaches in Disordered and Glassy Systems, Rome, January 3-5, 2018
The Anderson model on the Bethe lattice: delocalized non-ergodic crossover and Many-Body “glassy” dynamics
New aspects of localization, Toulouse, November 27-28, 2017
First steps towards the study of finite-dimensional non-perturbative fluctuations beyond the mean-field theory of glasses [part1][part2]
Habilitation à diriger des recherches defense, Paris, October 19, 2017
Critical properties of Anderson localization in high dimensions [pdf]
Renormalization group theory of disordered systems, Paris, July 25-27, 2016
Level statistics, ergodicity, and localization transition of Lévy matrices [part1][part2][part3]
Quantum many body systems, Random Matrices, ans Disorder, Vienna, June 8-12, 2015
Ising-like effective theories for the glass transition [part1][part2]
Spin-glasses: an old tool for new problems, Cargèse, August 25 - September 6, 2014
Wind and Physics
The Beg Rohu Summer School of statistical physics and condensed matter
Simons Collaboration "Cracking the Glass Problem"