Conference "Hadrons and Nuclear Physics Meet Ultracold Atoms : a French-Japanese Workshop"
IHP January 29 - February 2, 2018
This workshop has been organised in the framework of a french-japanese collaboration CNRS/JSPS in the few-body problem initiated by Emiko Hiyama (RIKEN), Jaume Carbonell (IPN Orsay) and Jean-Marc Richard (IPN Lyon). It was in the continuity of two other workshops organized at RIKEN (2015 & 2016) and a workshop organized in 2017 at Saclay.
The scientific program followed a double thematic progression: on one hand, from the high energies (Lattice QCD) toward low energies (ultracold atoms and condensed matter) and on the other hand from the few- toward the many-body problem. This interdisciplinary event aiming at promoting discussions between specialists of different fields/methods including Lattice QCD, Effective field Theory, Nuclear physics, Ultra-cold atoms, Few-body, Condensed Matter.
The local organization and part of the travel expenses was covered by a grant obtained from the COMUE Sorbonne Universités in the program of "Séminaires internationaux de recherche de Sorbonne Universités"
Monday 29/01/2018 -
09h30-09h45 Welcome
Chairman : Jean-Marc Richard
09h45-10h15 Scattering in Euclidean space : from Bethe-Salpeter equation to LQCD – Jaume Carbonnel (IPN Orsay)
10h15-10h45 Exotic hadrons from lattice QCD – Yoichi Ikeda (RCNP Osaka Univ.)
10h45-11h15 Effective theory for the infrared regime of QCD – Matthieu Tissier (LPTMC)
11h15-11h45 Coffee Break
Chairman : Bira van Kolck
11h45-12h15 Artificial gauge fields for neutral atoms – Fabrice Gerbier (LKB)
12h15-12h45 Efimov physics of hadrons – Tetsuo Hyodo (YITP Kyoto Univ.)
12h45-14h00 Cocktail at the Cafeteria of IHP
14h00-18h00 Discussions (room 201)
Tuesday 30/01/2018 -
Chairman : Jaume Carbonnel
09h45-10h15 Hadronic molecules with a short-range force by a quark model – Yasuhiro Yamaguchi (RIKEN)
10h15-10h45 Structure of hadron resonances with nearby zero of amplitude – Yuki Kamiya (YITP Kyoto Univ.)
10h45-11h15 Tetraquarks – Jean-Marc Richard (IPN Lyon)
11h15-11h45 Coffee Break
Chairman : Pascal Naidon
11h45-12h15 Few-body problems via Faddeev-Yakubovsky equations formalism – Rimantas Lazauskas (IPHC Strasbourg)
12h15-12h45 Five-body calculation of heavy pentaquark system – Emiko Hiyama (RIKEN)
12h45-14h30 Lunch
Chairman : Rimantas Lazauskas
14h30-15h00 Probing neutron-neutron correlations in 11Li via the quasi-free (p,pn) reaction – Yuki Kubota (RIKEN)
15h00-15h30 Very neutron-rich Carbon and Nitrogen isotopes at and beyond stability – Nigel Orr (LPC Caen)
15h30-18h00 Discussions (room 314)
Wednesday 31/01/2018 -
Chairman : Emiko Hiyama
09h45-10h15 Dineutron cluster states in neutron drip line nuclei – Takashi Nakamura (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
10h15-10h45 Pairing in dilute neutron matter – Michael Urban (IPN Orsay)
10h45-11h15 New variational method using antisymmetrized molecular dynamics for nuclear many-body systems – Takayuki Myo (Osaka Institute of Tech.)
11h15-11h45 Coffee Break
Chairman : Dima Petrov
11h45-12h15 Bosons and Nucleons at Unitarity: From few to many – Bira van Kolck (IPN Orsay)
12h15-12h45 Summation of diagrammatic series with zero convergence radius for strongly correlated fermions – Félix Werner (LKB)
12h45-14h00 Lunch
Social program
Visit of the mineral collection of Sorbonne University : 14h30-15h30 Visit of the collection
Visit of the historical part of the Sorbonne : 16h00-18h00 Visit of the Sorbonne
Conference Cocktail : 20h00- Cocktail at the 24th floor of the Zamansky Tower (Campus Jussieu)
Thursday 1/02/2018 -
Chairman : Xavier Leyronas
09h45-10h15 One, two, three, many, few-body losses in many-body ensembles – Frédéric Chevy (LKB)
10h15-10h45 Confinement induced trimer in a quasi-1D atomic waveguide – Ludovic Pricoupenko (LPTMC)
10h45-11h15 Impurities in a BEC: from the Yukawa to the Efimov attraction – Pascal Naidon (RIKEN)
11h15-11h45 Coffee Break
Chairman : Yvan Castin
11h45-12h15 Zoo of quantum halos - Yusuke Nishida (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
12h15-12h45 Mesoscopic few-body problem with short-range interactions – Dima Petrov (LPTMS)
12h45-14h30 Lunch
14h30-18h00 Discussions (room 314)
Friday 02/02/2018 -
Chairman : Félix Werner
09h45-10h15 Dimer-dimer zero crossing in a one-dimensional mixture – Alexandre Pricoupenko (LPTMS)
10h15-10h45 Momentum Distribution of a Dilute Unitary Bose Gas with Three-Body Losses – Xavier Leyronas (LPS Paris)
10h45-11h15 超流動フェルミガス中のフォノン減衰 Amortissement des phonons dans les gaz de fermions superfluides – Yvan Castin (LKB)
11h15-11h45 Coffee Break
Chairman : Nicolas Dupuis
11h45-12h15 Recent algorithmic developments in diagrammatic Monte Carlo – Kris van Houcke (LPS Paris)
12h15-12h45 From One-Dimensional Charge Conserving Topological Superconductors to the Gapless Haldane Phase – Patrick Azaria (LPTMC)
12h45-14h30 Lunch
Chairman : Yusuke Nishida
14h30-15h00 Higgs amplitude mode in the vicinity of a quantum critical point – Nicolas Dupuis (LPTMC)
15h00-15h30 Dirac cones for cold atoms in an optical lattice – Jean-Noël Fuchs (LPTMC)
15h30-18h00 Discussions (room 314)
First name Name Laboratory/Institution e-mail Patrick Azaria LPTMC azaria (at) Frédéric Chévy LKB chevy (at) Jaume Carbonell IPN Orsay carbonell (at) Yvan Castin LKB yvan.castin (at) Nicolas Dupuis LPTMC dupuis (at) Jean-Noël Fuchs LPTMC fuchs (at) Fabrice Gerbier LKB Fabrice.gerbier (at) Emiko Hiyama RIKEN hiyama (at) Kris van Houcke LPS Paris kris.van.houcke (at) Tetsuo Hyodo YITP Kyoto University hyodo (at) Yoichi Ikeda RCNP Osaka University yikeda (at) Yuki Kamiya YITP Kyoto University yuki.kamiya (at) Bira van Kolck IPN Orsay vankolck (at) Yuki Kubota RIKEN kubota (at) Rimantas Lazauskas IPHC Strasbourg rlazausk (at) Xavier Leyronas LPS Paris leyronas (at) Junxu Lu IPN Orsay lu (at) Songlin Lyu IPN Orsay lyu (at) Takayuki Myo Osaka Institute of Tech. myo (at) Yusuke Nishida Tokyo Institute of Tech. nishida (at) Pascal Naidon RIKEN pascal (at) Takashi Nakamura Tokyo Institute of Tech. nakamura (at) Takahiro Ohgoe University of Tokyo ohgoe (at) Nigel Orr LPC Caen orr (at) Dima Petrov LPTMS dmitry.petrov (at) Alexandre Pricoupenko LPTMS alexandre.pricoupenko (at) Ludovic Pricoupenko LPTMC pricoupenko (at) Jean-Marc Richard IPN Lyon j-m.richard (at) Alice Sinatra LKB alice.sinatra (at) Matthieu Tissier LPTMC tissier (at) Michael Urban IPN Orsay urban (at) Félix Werner LKB werner (at) Yasuhiro Yamaguchi RIKEN yasuhiro.yamaguchi (at) Nodoka Yamanaka IPN Orsay yamanaka (at)
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