"Three-body pseudopotential for atoms confined in one dimension"
L. Pricoupenko, Phys. Rev. A
, 012711 (2019) or arXiv:1806.07600.
"Pure confinement-induced trimer in one-dimensional atomic waveguides"
L. Pricoupenko, Phys. Rev. A 97,
, 061604 (2018) or arXiv:1803.07783.
see also the synopsis in Physics: , Three-Body Problem Solved for 1D Boson Trio (2018)
"Second-order virial expansion for an atomic gas in a harmonic waveguide"
T. Kristensen, X. Leyronas and L. Pricoupenko, Phys. Rev. A 93,
, 063636 (2016) or arXiv:1603.07469.
"One-dimensional ultracold atomic gases: Impact of the effective range on integrability"
T. Kristensen and L. Pricoupenko, Phys. Rev. A 93,
, 023629 (2016) or arXiv:1506.04169.
"Ultracold-atom collisions in atomic waveguides : A two-channel analysis"
T. Kristensen and L. Pricoupenko, Phys. Rev. A. 91, 91, 042703 (2015) or arXiv:1412.4921.
"Many Bosons in a Narrow Magnetic Feshbach Resonance"
L. Pricoupenko, Physical Review Letters 110, 180402 (2013) or arXiv:1212.3927.
"Modified scalar product for the effective range approach: the molecular contribution"
L. Pricoupenko, arXiv:1110.5139.
"Ultracold bosons in the vicinity of a narrow resonance: shallow dimer and recombination"
L. Pricoupenko, M Jona Lasinio, Physical Review A 84, 062712 (2011) or arXiv:1109.3002.
"Implicit ladder summation in the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach"
L. Pricoupenko, Physical Review A 84, 053602 (2011) or arXiv:1108.5702.
"Isotropic Contact Forces in Arbitrary Representation: Heterogeneous Few-Body Problems and Low Dimensions"
L. Pricoupenko, Physical Review A,
83, 062711 (2011) or arXiv:1007.4939.
"Integral equations for the four-body problem"
C. Mora, Y. Castin, L. Pricoupenko,
Comptes Rendus Physique 12, 71 (2011) or arXiv:1101.2594.
"Four-Body Efimov Effect for Three Fermions and a Lighter Particle"
Y. Castin, C. Mora, L. Pricoupenko,
Physical Review Letters 105, 223201 (2010) or arXiv:1006.4720.
"Crossover in the Efimov spectrum"
L. Pricoupenko,
Physical Review A 82, 043633 (2010) or arXiv:1006.2646.
"Universal 1+2-body bound states in planar atomic wave guides"
L. Pricoupenko, P. Pedri, Physical Review A 82, 033625 (2010) or arXiv:0812.3718.
"Three Resonant Ultra-Cold Bosons: Off-Resonance Effects"
M. Jona-Lasinio, L. Pricoupenko,
Physical Review Letters 104, 023201 (2010) or arXiv:0903.3808.
"Resonant scattering of ultracold atoms in low dimensions"
L. Pricoupenko,
Physical Review Letters 100, 170404 (2008) or arXiv:0706.0834.
"Three fully polarized fermions close to a p-wave Feshbach resonance"
M. Jona-Lasinio, L. Pricoupenko and Y. Castin,
Physical Review A 77, 043611 (2008) or arXiv:0708.0610.
"Three fermions in a box at the unitary limit: universality in a lattice model"
L. Pricoupenko and Y. Castin,
Journal of Physics A 40, 12863 (2007) or arXiv:0705.1502.
"Stability of the two-dimensional Bose gases in the resonant regime"
L. Pricoupenko and M.Olshanii,
Journal of Physics B 40, 2065 (2007) or cond-mat/0205210.
"Pseudopotential in resonant regimes"
L. Pricoupenko,
Physical Review A 73, 012701 (2006) or cond-mat/0508120.
"Modeling interaction for resonant p-wave scattering"
L. Pricoupenko,
Physical Review Letters 96, 050401 (2006) or cond-mat/0505448.
"Variational approach for the two-dimensional trapped Bose Einstein condensate"
L. Pricoupenko,
Physical Review A 70, 013601 (2004) or
"One particle in a box: the simplest model for a Fermi gas in the unitary limit"
L. Pricoupenko and Y.Castin,
Physical Review A 69, 051601(R) (2004) or
"Bose-Einstein condensates with a bent vortex in rotating traps"
M. Modugno, L. Pricoupenko and Y. Castin,
European Physical Journal D 22, 235 (2003) or
"Rigorous approach to the problem of ultraviolet divergencies in dilute Bose gas"
M. Olshanii and L. Pricoupenko, Physical Review Letters 88, 010402 (2001) or
"Some structural properties of solid Helium films Consequences on 3He film ferromagnetism"
M. Roger, C. Bäuerle, H. Godfrin, L. Pricoupenko and J. Treiner, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 112, 449 (1998).
"Temperature dependence of the surface tension of liquid 4He"
L. Pricaupenko and J. Treiner, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 101, 809 (1995).
"Reentrant wetting of 3He-4He mixtures on Cesium: a closer analysis"
J. Treiner and L. Pricaupenko, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 101, 348 (1995).
"Phase separation of liquid 3He-4He mixtures: effect of confinement"
L. Pricaupenko and J. Treiner, Physical Review Letters 74, 430 (1995).
"Dynamical and structural properties of superfluid helium: a density functional approach"
F. Dalfovo, A. Lastri, S. Stringari, L. Pricaupenko and J. Treiner, Physical Review B
52, 1193 (1995) or cond-mat/9412095
"Excitations of inhomogeneous 4He: a density functional study"
L. Pricaupenko and J. Treiner, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 96, 19 (1994).
"Quantum Prewetting Transitions in Liquid 3He"
L. Pricaupenko and J. Treiner, Physical Review Letters 72, 2215 (1994).
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences on the
"Few body problem" Tome 12 - fascicule 1; janvier-février 2011 - Guest editors Y. Castin and L. Pricoupenko.
Proceedings of the school « Quantum Gases in Low Dimensions » QGLD2003 Les Houches-France Avril 15-25, 2003.
Journal de Physique IV,Vol. 116 (October 2004)
- L. Pricoupenko, H. Perrin and M. Olshanii, Eds.
You can see below a cut of the velocity field associated with a rotating
Bose-Einstein condensate at finite temperature. In this picture, finite
temperature effects result in the creation of satellite vortices surrouding the
Mécanique quantique
Préparation au CAPES (physique-chimie)