The LPTMC associates with the group Labos 1point5, to think about the climatic impact of the lab resarch activities.
The LPTMC, through this action, acts jointly to other labs of Sorbonne University.
Greenhouse gas balance (GHGB)
Researchers of the laboratory have formed a group 'Climactions" and realised the GHGB of the year 2019, using the tool developped by this collective, taking into account:
- Missions (displacements)
- Buildings (electricity, heating, climatisation)
- Commuting,
- IT purchases (stationary computers, laptops, smartphones, computing clusters, screen, printers, hard disks).
- Other purchases (meals, office supplies, books, furnitures...)
The result is 150teC02 for the LPTMC in 2019 (unit: ton equivalent CO2, where the different energy sources are evaluated in terms of CO2 emissions), for 50 people, i.e. 3 teCO2 per person, with an error bar of... 1.2teCO2 per person!
In comparison :
- 9 teCO2 per person per year at LOCEAN (an other lab).
- 2.5 teCO2 per person per year on average in France at work.
- 11.5 teCO2 per person per year in France,
- 4.4 teCO2 in the world, objective <3t.
The pie chart below (2019 balance sheet) is of course subject to multiple errors and should be taken with caution.
The balance sheet for the years 2020-2021 is in progress. Below are the 2020-21 results for positions already assessed:
In 2020, there were few missions (whose money was used for IT purchases).
Home-to-work trips are missing for 2020 and 2021.
Heating and electricity were taken identical to 2019 for the 3 years, but this remains to be adjusted.
2020 :
2021 :
Actions at LPTMC:
A charter was adopted, with concrete measures, voted the 8th of December 2023, and validated the 01/01/2024:
- Lab members are no longer allowed to fly for missions in mainland France,
- They can no longer take the plane if the train journey is possible in less than 6 hours station to station (time imposed by the CNRS: 4 hours, recommended by SU: 5 hours)
- An initial quota of 6t/year CO2 eq is imposed on permanent members, carryable for one year. The full text of the charter will be posted on this site soon.
The whole text is [here].
History of environmental events at LPTMC:
- January: acceptance of the Charter at the Lab Council.
- April 2023: AG-LPTMC with presentation of the 2019, 2020 and 2021 carbon footprints.
- October 20, 2023: 1st AG dedicated to the implementation of proposals/measures (dates in the charter) by working group + charter proposal.
- November 13, 2023: 2nd AG-LPTMC with finalization of the questionnaire which will be submitted to a vote
- November 6, 2023: seminar by Freddy Bouchet (LMD, ENS), "Statistical physics for climate sciences: application to wave turbulence, extreme heat waves, and extremes of renewable energy production"
- December 4, 2023: vote on GHG reduction measures.
- Finalization of the 2019 report (pre-covid year)
- October: AGM with presentation to the lab of the 2019 GHG report.
- Calculations of the LPTMC's GHG balance sheets over recent years.
- LPTMC “environmental responsibility” referent for the Paris-Centre district of the CNRS.
- LPTMC “Environmental Issues” referent for FSI volunteer units.
- December 17, 2020: creation of the climaction lab group in a lab council.
- Seminar by Juliette MIGNOT (LOCEAN), 11/30/2019
Interesting web links on displacments :
Tool from labo1p5 to evaluate the GES cost of a travel:
Interesting web links on numerics:
EcoInfo is a CNRS service group which offers a set of services with the general objective of evaluating and then reducing the impact of IT in higher education and research, whatever the discipline.
"Le guide de bonnes pratiques numérique responsable" for organisations:
Article "Je code : les bonnes pratiques en éco-conception de service numérique à destination des développeurs de logiciels", on HAL
Article scientifique 'Le vrai coût énergétique du numérique', 10/2022.
Détaille tous les élements à prendre et compte, et la difficulté, ainsi que des pistes d'amélioration.
Links to various reports :
Jouzel report on teaching the issues environmental transition in higher education:
Interesting web links on actions (SU or others) :
At Sorbonne Université:
At the national level, the National Low-Carbon Strategy (SNBC) is France's roadmap for combating climate change:
The COMETS (comité d'éthique du CNRS) has published a report :
Interesting web link on any (environemental) subject:
To calculate your individual carbon footprint:
To repair, diagnose a problem on a domestic object
Links for vulgarisation/formation :
La Fresque du Climat :
Atelier 2tonnes :
Ma terre en 180 minutes :
La Fresque du Numérique :
Inventons Nos Vies Bas Carbone: